Decisions Made on Rites & Rituals

  • The system of the “Celebrant Priest & Celebrant Deacon” should be utilized for the service of the Holy Altar in the Sanctuary.
  • Altar servers should be present for matins, vespers & liturgy from the beginning.
  • During matins and vespers, altar servers are to say the responses from outside the altar while raising the cross.
  • During Vespers and Matins, Altar servers must be fully vested in their tunics and Batrachels.
  • Altar servers are not to lean on the altar, and are to stand far from the altar, at least one foot away.
  • Items that may be on the altar: Chalice, Chalice Throne, candles, patten, Euchologion for the priest if necessary, and oils.
  • The Incense Box should not be placed on the Holy Altar but presented along with the censer and returned accordingly with the censer after the incense rounds are completed.
  • The altar server is only to hold the cross during the Pauline & Acts incense processions. The Gospel is only held outside during the Litany of the Gospel prayer.
  • Altar servers carrying the wine and water during the offering should remain serving in the sanctuary for the duration of the liturgy, according to their scheduled sanctuary service.
  • The highest-ranking altar server should hold the wine during the offertory, complete the first round of the Pauline Epistle around the altar with the priest, and lift the prosfareen. Should also say the following responses, “greet one another with a holy kiss”, litany of the oblation, and the confession prayer as the celebrant deacon. 
  • Regarding liturgical vestments: all diaconate ranks are to wear a batrachel, except for the rank of chanter in all services.
  • We say, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” ONLY twice, not every time the priest moves with the body. Jesus said, “for I say to you, you shall see Me no more until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’” ~ Matthew 23:39 NKJV. This is in expectation of His second coming.
  • Altar servers may only use side entrances to the sanctuary to enter and exit the sanctuary.
  • Deacons shall preserve all the rites of the church without change or innovation unless directed to do so through the executive order Committee. For example, lighting candle stands should not be used instead of holding candles during the gospel reading nor should holding items such as the cherubim fans during the gospel readings
  • All altar servers & deacons shall face the East while standing. When inside the sanctuary, deacons should always face the altar not the East.
  • Tunics ought not have images of saints or angels embroidered on them. Only crosses and borders are allowed and traditional colors of White, Gold and Red.
  • Altar Servers ought not be preoccupied with the drying of the altar vessels or the folding of the altar cloths during the distribution of the Holy Mysteries, until after the concluding prayers of the Holy Liturgy and the dismissal of the presiding Angel of the Sacrifice.
  • The term Coessential is to be substituted for “Of One Essence” in the recital of the Holy Creed.
  • The Creed ending “We look for the Resurrection…” is to be recited out loud until the end, before starting the end tune, in the same or different language.
  • The Lord’s Prayer is to be recited out loud and not silently at all times.
  • The explanation of the Rites of the procession of incense.
  • Psalms to be recited:
    • Psalms to be recited on the Way to Church, Ps 121, Ps 26:4-5, & Ps 64:4, 
    • Psalms to be recited while entering the Church, Ps 83
    • Psalms to be recited in front of the Altar Ps 5:7 & Ps 122
    • Psalms to be recited while wearing the vestments Ps 29 & Ps 92
